With coldplay against the world!

Neko je rekao,slagala bih sada ko,da je najbolji covekov izum,Muzika.
slazem se.
uz mali +Film,i tu je tacka.The end.
oprostice mi Bell,Newton,Edison i Stive Jobs ali,
What if there was no music,no speed of SOUND,just silence?
I could live with silence.No problem.
Sometimes,it is all that I need,I wish.
but after that,where would we be?
LOST?in dark,in which place?

24-og oktobra prohujale 2011,pojavio se u prodaji najnoviji album engleske grupe Coldplay.
Peti po redu.
Mulo Xyloto.
Nisam neko ko velica individue u muzici.
Ukusi su razliciti a i ne bih da vas ubedjujem da bas ovaj ili onaj vredi vise vaseg vremena,vase paznje.
medjutim,koliko god mislila da je mozda tesko da vas privolim da volite Madonnu,
Bruce Springsteen-a,Yann Tiersan-a,Fiorellu Mannoi,R.E.M ili Lykke Li kao sto ih volim Ja, Coldplay ne znam kako ne mozete a da ne volite sami,bez mene da vas bombardujem sa njim!

u bugarskoj.
na moru.
na pesku.
Satovi su me ljuljali poput morskih talasa dok je Sunce przilo.
Danas kada sam i down i up,oni mi najvise odgovaraju.
kada svetlo guta neka tama i cini mi se da sam lost,pustim krisa martina da zapeva da just because I'm losing,doesn't mean that I am lost i da just because I am hurtung,doesn't mean that I am hurt,doesn't mean that I did not get what I deserve...
pustim ga da mi peva i o njegovim zelenim ocima,o prelepom svetu,o tome da niko nije rekao da ce da bude lako,niti da ce da bude ovako tesko i da je tako tuzno sto se rastajemo..

nemam omiljeni cold album iako malo naginjem ka padobranima i musko/zenskim odnosima.
nemam ni omiljenu pesmu.
svaka nadje svoj put do mog nekog raspolozenja.
ponekad i uvek.
posalje mojim mozdanim vijugama neku poruku.
ali skoro sam otkrila "see U soon"pesmu,i nju trenutno troshim do besvesti.
do tada trouble,lost i don't panic sam znala da pustam u neprestanim ciklusima.

za kraj:
mylo xyloto,hm..
every teardrop i paradise imaju zavodljiv ritam,lak refren koji je opet nekako too klishe!
kineska princeza je instant hit iako nimalo ne lici na njih.
ali zato Charlie Brown(pogotovo live verzija),hurts like heaven i U.F.O(iako je nekako prekratak...)su odlicne.
ipak the one je ona gde oni idu protiv sveta a i mi sa njima.
Oh morning come bursting,the clouds,they move.
Lift off this blindfold,let me see again.
And bring back the water your ships roll in,in my heart,she left (alone/un-whole)
The tightrope I'm walking just sways and tires.
The devil,as he's talking,with those angel's eyes.
And I just wanna be there when the lighting strikes.
And the Saints go marching in
And sing slow it down,
Through the chaos as it swirls,
It's us against the world.
Like a river to a raindrop,
I lost a friend.
My drunkenness isn't (beggin') in a lion's den.
And tonight I know it all has to begin again,
So whatever you do,
Don't let go.
And if we float away,
Fly up to the surface,and just start again.
Lift off before trouble just erodes us in the rain
just erodes just erodes us in the rain
Just sing slow-ow-ow-ow it down.
Oh slow-ow-ow-ow it down.

Through the chaos as it swirls,
It's us against the world.
Through the chaos as it swirls,
It's us against the world.


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